Thursday, September 23, 2010

glass mirage

Oasis.. mirage of complacency.
Lipstick stains on glass skin memory.
Meandering reluctantly down a sturdy path
- practical -
it makes sense.

It screams in contradiction to every glistening breath of me.
Limping, strong. Deep breaths trying to calm the questions.
I feel the silk bandages snaking up my body, cocooning me.
Wrapped tight and blistering.
Smart. Healing. Hurting.
Fresh air seems so much gentler, so much sweeter..
if only the blood of my love wouldn’t spill so generously.
My eyes are everywhere at once. Liquid globes of questing need.
Cocooning me.. loyal.
What am I seeing?
… mirage…
glass skin memory.
This glass skin memory.

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