Thursday, July 7, 2011


Could I write words
that don't agitate a tense soul..
Could I write words
that ease.. release.. .relax. his heart…
as effectively as my hands can
unwind his body

Could I extend that part of my soul,
and wrap him warmly in unmitigated comfort,
akin to my arms embrace…
gentle while we sleep..
breaths peaceful and content.

so simple
and in the same moment,

Could I kiss him?
and breathe passion into his body.
Could I care about him..
so preciously,
and bound like water
.. tenacious ..
but pure in its desire to stay connected.

Could I feel safe..
safe.. regardless of this confusion.
Could I.. …feel… freely.
.be happy in the knowledge of his contentedness.

Could I…

quietly I listen, and I am

blink.. eyes glazed he is over-thought..
and I am armbarred
from knowing
..from leaving



Turning inside out, anxiously reaching for hesitation. Synthetic. Mystified by convolutions so strong I am fuzzy with misunderstood notions. And as a rock strikes the pond the ripples of calm surge and possibility tacks fear and hope and every other emotion blithely to my mind. There seems to be no release of me. I'm always moving. Water.. though I am an air sign, I always feel the most kin with water. Must be my Gemini self. Capricious as I am, I'm torn.. was that a breeze or a swell? Opposites in myself. And as my tempest nature dictates I crave what my fingertips can only achingly graze. Restless as water, I am searching.. And though logic would dictate possibility, I wonder if I will ever be found. I worry I've become a folded memory.


Friday, March 4, 2011

the colour of a fool

I am silver and light, tonight: diaphonous pearl. A cocked memory and a teasing spark in my eye.. The one that smirks as it pulls the trigger. And pow you're submersed. Thick and deep. Bubbles everywhere. You're covered and smothered. Confused and all at once willfully and fitfully lost. In that breath. That reality. That silver and light, which bleeds your truth like the traitorous fool it is. Happiness. Happiness is your guise, your saviour, your belief. Yet your eyelashes are stitched together, painted to the floor with grief. I am silver and light, tonight. I have no answer to this story.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

about me

Creative, chaotic, innocent and descriptive. Wisdom blooming, and I am forever reaching, grasping, yearning for the release of tacit expression. Lips tingling with an unrestrained tongue, my mind flashes insight and illustration, confusion and intention.. This, in a breeding desire to guide dandelion thoughts into a cohesion that clicks, interpretively, into place.

So....I'm loony.